NILE BDES(Bachelor's Degree Examination for Self-Education)

HOME Usage Guide Grade & Grade Points

Grade & Grade Points


Degree holders under this program are granted qualification equal to those who have earned the bachelor's degree from
colleges or universities in the Republic of Korea.

In the first three examinations, applicants must get at least 60 out of 100 points for each course and the passed course
should be indicated with a "P". In order to pass the Comprehensive Examination, which is mandatory for attaining
the bachelor's degree, applicants should get 60 out of 100 points for 6 subjects(Pass System in Each Subject) or more than 360 out of 600 points(Pass System in Total Points).

Grade Points

Grades and grade points are classified as follows according to the area of distribution of the Comprehensive Examination

Grade Points

GRADE, A+, A0, A-, B+, B0, B-, C+, C0, C-, D+, D0, D-

GRADE A+ A0 A- B+ B0 B- C+ C0 C- D+ D0 D-
GRADE POINT 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7
0.01-10.00 10.01-20.00 20.01-30.00 30.01-44.00 44.01-57.00 57.01-70.00 70.01-77.00 77.01-84.00 84.01-90.00 90.01-94.00 94.01-97.00 97.01-100.0